Classroom Tutorials
Classroom Tutorials contain beginning, advanced, Python and batch, and targeted tutorial lessons on how to use ParaView, created by Sandia National Laboratories. These tutorials were created by W. Alan Scott and are presented as a 3-hour class internally within Sandia National Laboratories.
Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA-0003525.
- 1. Beginning: ParaView
- 2. Beginning: Sources & Filters
- 2.1. Introduction
- 2.2. Annotate Time Source
- 2.3. Text Source
- 2.4. Ruler Source
- 2.5. Clip filter
- 2.6. Slice filter
- 2.7. Glyph filter
- 2.8. Threshold filter
- 2.9. Contour filter
- 2.10. Clip to Scalar filter
- 2.11. Cell to Point/ Point to Cell filters
- 2.12. Stream Tracer
- 2.13. Calculator filter
- 2.14. Favorites
- 2.15. Customize Shortcuts
- 3. Beginning: GUI
- 3.1. Introduction
- 3.2. Customize Settings
- 3.3. Information tab
- 3.4. Right click menu based commands
- 3.5. Split windows
- 3.6. Move/control windows
- 3.7. Unlink windows
- 3.8. Control the center
- 3.9. Auto apply
- 3.10. Properties tab
- 3.11. Advanced Properties tab
- 3.12. Copy/Paste/reset/Save parameters
- 3.13. Move the camera
- 3.14. Matplotlib characters
- 3.15. Axes Grid
- 3.16. Lighting - Specular
- 3.17. Slice View and Layouts
- 3.18. Render View (Comparison)
- 3.19. Customize Shortcuts
- 4. Beginning: Color Maps & Palettes
- 5. Beginning: Plotting
- 6. Beginning: Pictures & Movies
- 7. Advanced: MultiBlock
- 8. Advanced: Data Analysis
- 9. Advanced: Time Management
- 10. Advanced: State Management
- 11. Advanced: Tips & Tricks
- 12. Python & Batch: ParaView & Python
- 13. Python & Batch: Python Calculator, Programmable Source & Filter
- 14. Python & Batch: pvpython and pvbatch
- 15. Targeted: ParaView & CTH
- 15.1. Introduction
- 15.2. ParaView’s CTH reader
- 15.3. Creating contours with the Extract CTH Parts filter
- 15.4. Creating a filled isovolume with the Clip by Scalar filter
- 15.5. Analyzing fragments with the Material Interface filter
- 15.6. Showing cell data
- 15.7. Plot over line
- 15.8. Calculating density
- 16. Targeted: Computational Fluid Dynamics
- 16.1. Introduction
- 16.2. Slices
- 16.3. Stream Tracers - lines and tubes
- 16.4. Stream Tracers with Custom Source
- 16.5. Glyphs perpendicular to a slice
- 16.6. Flow in a fluid
- 16.7. 2D plots through a fluid
- 16.8. Contours on a slice
- 16.9. Gradient, Divergence, Vorticity and Q Criterion
- 16.10. Probing a fluid
- 16.11. Animating a static vector field
- 16.12. Volume Rendering
- 17. Targeted: Particle Simulations
- 18. Targeted: Trame