.. include:: ../../macros.hrst .. include:: ../../abbreviations.hrst .. _chapter:BeginningSourcesAndFilters: Beginning: Sources & Filters ############################## Introduction ============ This usecase shows a user how to use sources and filters to modify the display of data. Most examples assume that the user starts with a new model. To start over, go to the menu item **Edit → Reset Session**, and then re-open your data. Data is opened by going to **File → Open**. Example data files can be found in the Examples directory, located in the upper left of the **Open** dialog. Annotate Time Source ==================== - Open can.ex2. - **Apply**. - Drag the can around with the left mouse button until you can see the can. - Select **Sources → Annotate Time**. - **Apply**. - Play the animation .. figure:: ../../images/Beginning_filters_annotate_time.jpg :width: 1000px Text Source =========== - This exercise continues on from the previous one. If you are starting over: - Open can.ex2. - **Apply**. - Select **Sources → Text**. - Type some text in the window. - **Apply**. .. figure:: ../../images/Beginning_filters_text.jpg :width: 1000px Ruler Source ============ - This exercise continues on from the previous one. If you are starting over: - Open can.ex2. - **Apply**. - Rotate the can so you can see the concave surface. - Select **Sources → Ruler**. - As noted in the **Properties* tab, **1** and **2** set the starting and ending points of the ruler. - **Apply**. .. admonition:: **Did you know?** :class: tip If you turn on **Auto Apply** (see :numref:`chapter:BeginningGUI`), you can interactively update the end points of the ruler. .. figure:: ../../images/Beginning_filters_ruler.jpg :width: 1000px Clip filter =========== - Open can.ex2. - **Apply**. - Drag the can around with the left mouse button until you can see the can. - Select **Filters → Common → Clip** (Notice that this is also the third icon from the top on the far left of the screen.) - **Apply**. - Press **X Normal**. - **Apply**. - Try also **Y Normal**. - **Apply**. - Grab the arrow control at the end of the clip object with the left mouse button. Drag it around. You can also grab the red box and slide the clip plane forward and backward. - **Apply**. - Turn off the **Show Plane** checkbox. - Select **Inside Out**. - If the clip arrow control is ever hidden behind data, you can see it by clicking on the “eye” to the left of the “clip” in the **Pipeline Browser** which is located in upper left corner of the screen. .. figure:: ../../images/Beginning_filters_1.png :width: 1000px Slice filter ============ - Open can.ex2. - **Apply**. - Drag the can around with the left mouse button until you can see the can. - Select **Filters → Common → Slice**. - **Apply**. - Press **Y Normal**. - **Apply**. - Try also **Z Normal**. - **Apply**. - Grab the arrow control at the end of the clip object with the left mouse button. Drag it around. - **Apply**. - Turn off the **Show Plane** checkbox. - We need to go to the Advanced Properties tab. Click on the little gear to the right of the search box. - In the **Slice Offset Value** section, press **New Value**, type **1**. **Apply**. Notice that we just added a second cut plane. - Under **Slice Offset Values**, press **Delete All**. Select **New Range**. Input From value of **-4** and To value of **4**. **OK**. **Apply**. Now we have 10 slices through our object. - Play the animation. - If the slice arrow control is ever hidden behind data, you can see it by clicking on the “eye” to the left of the “clip” in the Pipeline Browser which is located in upper left corner of the screen. .. figure:: ../../images/Beginning_filters_2.png :width: 1000px Glyph filter ============ - Open can.ex2. - **Apply**. - Drag the can around with the right mouse button until you can see the can. - Select **Filters → Common → Glyph**. - Change the Vectors to **ACCL**. - **Apply**. - |paraview| does not set the **Scale Factor** correctly. On the **Properties** tab is an entry for **Set Scale Factor**. Change this to **1e-7**. - **Apply**. - Click the **Play** button at the top of the screen. - Reset by hitting the **First Frame** button. - We want to see the glyphs in context. Turn the visibility eyeball on the can.ex2 to “on”. - Click on can.ex2 (it will show up as blue). - In the **Properties** tab, Set **Representation → Wireframe**. - **Play** the animation. We can now see where the accelerations are occurring as the can is crushed. - **Reset** the animation. - Click on the **Glyph** in the Pipeline Browser, thus giving the Glyph focus. - In the **Properties** tab, change the **Vectors** to **VEL**. - Then, change the **Set Scale Factor** to **3e-4**. - **Apply**. - Re-animate the window. - Extra credit – Change the color of the glyphs to match the picture below. .. figure:: ../../images/Beginning_filters_3.png :width: 1000px Threshold filter ================ - Open disk_out_ref.ex2. - **Apply**. - Spin the object around, and look inside of it. - Press the **Threshold** button , found to the far left. (Notice that you can also find this through the filters menu.) - Select **Scalars** “Temp” (Temperature). - Note: The blue recycle button will set the min and max values. - Change the **Lower Threshold** to 400. - **Apply**. - Set **Coloring** to **Pres**. - Spin the object around, and look at it. - Now, let’s place this hot section back into the cylinder. - Let’s open another version of disk_out_ref.ex2, using the **File → Open** menu. - **Apply**. - Make sure that the second disk_out_ref.ex2 is highlighted in the **Pipeline Browser** - Set **Representation** to **Wireframe**. - In the **Properties** tab, set **Coloring** to **Pres** - What we have done: We have created an unstructured grid holding the cells that fit our criteria. This can make our data much bigger, and should be avoided if we are working with big data. - Extra credit: - Change the outside cylinder to be volume rendered, set **Representation** to **Volume**. .. figure:: ../../images/Beginning_filters_4.png :width: 1000px Contour filter ============== - Open disk_out_ref.ex2. - **Apply**. - Select **Filters → Common → Contour**. - Change **Properties**: **Contour By**: to **Temp**. - Under **Value Range**, press **Delete All**. - Now press **New Value** and enter **400**. - **Apply**. - Set **Coloring** to **Temp**. - Why are all parts of the object the same color? - Set **Coloring** to **Pres** (Pressure). - This represents the location inside of the cylinder that is at temperature 400, and is colored by pressure. - Turn the visibility back on for the disk_out_ref.ex2. - In the **Pipeline Browser**, click disk_out_ref.ex2 (turning it white) - Select **Representation Wireframe**. - Set **Coloring** to **Pres**. - Notice that this is another way to see two representations of the same object by reading the object in once and modifying it. In the Threshold Filter (above), we read in the object twice, and displayed each object differently. - What we have done: We have created an isosurface of a specific temperature. One nice thing about isosurfaces is that they decrease the amount of data that has to fit into memory. This is handy when you are displaying big data. - Extra credit: - Highlight disk_out_ref.ex2. - Select **Clip** filter. - Select **X Normal** for the clip plane. - Why has the disk_out_ref.ex2 model now turned solid? (Hint – the visibility has changed) - More extra credit: - Under **contour**, Advanced Properties tab, delete the Isosurface, and use **New Range** to create 10 new surfaces. Again, the Advanced Properties tab is enabled by clicking on the gear icon to the right of the search box. - Next, select **Clip** filter to cut the cylinder in half. - What are the surfaces showing us? What are the colors showing us? - Highlighting clip - Under **Properties** tab, change the **Opacity** to **.50**. .. figure:: ../../images/Beginning_filters_5.png :width: 1000px Clip to Scalar filter ===================== - Open disk_out_ref.ex2. - **Apply**. - Select **Filters → Recent → Clip**. - **Apply**. - Select **Clip Type → Scalar**. - Select **Scalars → Temp**. - Input a **Value** of **400**. - **Apply**. - Select **Clip** filter again. - Unclick **Show Plane**. - **Apply**. - Set **Coloring** to **Temp**. - Highlight disk_out_ref.ex2, turn the eyeball on. - Display by **Volume** - Set **Coloring** to **Temp**. What we have done: We have clipped to a constant scalar, creating a smooth mesh. Once again, this increases the size of your data significantly. .. figure:: ../../images/Beginning_filters_6.png :width: 1000px Cell to Point/ Point to Cell filters ==================================== These filters are used to convert a data set from having cell data to having point data and vice versa. This is sometimes useful if a filter requires one type of data, and a user only has the other type of data. An example would be using can.ex2. You cannot get a contour of EQPS directly, since EQPS is cell data and contour only works on points. Use the filter **Cell Data to Point Data** first, then call contour. Stream Tracer ============= - Open disk_out_ref.ex2. - **Apply**. - Select **Filters → Common → Stream Tracer**. - Click the **Seeds: Center on Bounds** button. - **Apply**. - In the **Properties** tab, set **Coloring** to **Temp**, then **V**, then **Pres**. - If necessary, click **Color, Reset Range**. - Extra credit: - On the **Properties** page, set the **Number of Points** to **40**. - **Apply**. - Select **Filters → Alphabetical → Tube**. - **Apply**. .. figure:: ../../images/Beginning_filters_7.png :width: 1000px Calculator filter ================= - Open disk_out_ref.ex2. - **Apply**. - Select **Filters → Common → Calculator**. - Select **Attribute Mode**: **Cell Data**. - Set **Result Array Name** to **RandomNumber**. - In the empty line below, type **cos(GlobalElementId)*sin(GlobalElementId)**. .. admonition:: **Did you know?** :class: tip You can pull in the names of the variables by clicking on the **Scalars/Vectors** button. - In the **Properties** tab, set **Coloring** to **RandomNumber**. - We are now coloring by a pseudo random number. This shows how complex our data is. - Note that you can create a vector from three scalars using the calculator. For instance, to create an X,Y,0 vector from Velocity, type **VEL_X*iHat+VEL_Y*jHat+0*kHat**. - To get the length of a vector, use **mag(vector_name)**. - To get the length of a vector squared, use **mag(vector_name)*mag(vector_name)**. .. figure:: ../../images/Beginning_filters_8.png :width: 1000px Favorites ========= |paraview| allows users to place their favorite filters into the submenu named **Filters → Favorites**. Just use the Manage Favorites tool. .. figure:: ../../images/Beginning_filters_19.png :width: 400px Customize Shortcuts =================== |paraview| allows users to add keyboard shortcuts to your favorite menu or filter. This is found under **Tools → Customize Shortcuts**. .. figure:: ../../images/Beginning_filters_20.png :width: 500px