.. include:: ../../macros.hrst .. include:: ../../abbreviations.hrst .. _chapter:PythonAndBatchPvpythonAndpvbatch: Python & Batch: pvpython and pvbatch #################################### Introduction ============ ParaView can run without opening the ParaView GUI, and is controlled through Python. There are two Python interfaces - pvpython and pvbatch. pvpython ======== |pvpython| is the Python interface to ParaView. You can think of |pvpython| as ParaView with a Python interface. As we did with the Python Shell, you can manually type in commands to |pvpython|. The first thing you will want to do is import paraview simple, as follows: .. code-block:: python from paraview.simple import * |pvpython| can also read Python command files. Type **pvpython --help** for arguments. Running |pvpython| files looks like this: .. code-block:: console /pathTopvpython/pvpython /pathToPythonCommandFile/commandFile.py # Example D:/alan/paraview/pvpython D:/alan/scripts/disk_out_ref-A.py - You will notice that |pvpython| will run the script and then exit. The output of the script is a screenshot or other data product. - Anywhere that needs editing in the scripts above will be marked by the string **editMeHere**. - You will need to hard code in the paths to your data, and paths for output products. - The first time you run a script with |pvpython|, the output will be a postage stamp sized window. You can change this by finding and uncommenting the line **renderView1.ViewSize**. - Try making and running a script of your own. Alternatively, here is an example. Cut and paste the following into a file named greenSphere.py: .. code-block:: python #!/usr/bin/env pvpython from paraview.simple import # Lets create a sphere sphere=Sphere() Show() Render() # get active view renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView') renderView1.ViewSize = [1670, 1091] # get display properties sphere1Display = GetDisplayProperties(sphere, view=renderView1) # change solid color sphere1Display.AmbientColor = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] sphere1Display.DiffuseColor = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] # save screenshot SaveScreenshot('greenSphereScreenshot.png', renderView1, ImageResolution=[1670, 1091]) - Run this as follows: .. code-block:: console /pathTopvpython/pvpython greenSphere.py pvbatch ======== |pvbatch| is like |pvpython|, with two exceptions. |pvbatch| only accepts commands from input scripts, and |pvbatch| will run in parallel if it was built using MPI. Input is exactly like |pvpython|. Generic user specific section ----------------------------- This section describes how to use pvbatch when on Windows PCs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - If you are training on Linux, |pvbatch| will exist in the bin directory. - If you are training on OS X, open a terminal window, and cd to /Applications/ParaView x.x.x/Contents/bin. |pvbatch| will be located here. - If you are training on Windows, |pvbatch| does not exist. But, for a single process, such as this training, |pvpython| will substitute. Lets create a Python trace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since we are on Windows, we will create a python trace, and use |pvpython| to process it. - Read exodus data, screenshot, movie. - Run |paraview|. - Select **Tools → Start Trace** - Open can.ex2. - Turn all variables on. - **Apply**. - **+Y**. - Go forward one timestep. - Set **Coloring** to **EQPS**. - Select **File → Save Screenshot**. - **File → Save Animation**. - **Tools → Stop trace**. - Save this script on your desktop - Edit the file and change the following: - Correct the path to the input data and output screenshots or animations (not necessary, since you made the trace) - Uncomment the line that says renderView*.ViewSize. Change this to something reasonable (maybe 1920x1080) Let's now batch run this Python trace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Delete the Screenshot and Animation you made above. We want to recreate these. - Open a **CMD** window. (On the Start button, type cmd, then click on Command Prompt.) - cd to the ParaView bin directory .. code-block:: console cd C:/Program Files (x86)/ParaView x.x.x/bin** - Use |pvpython| to process our trace. Notice that |pvpython| understands forward slashes. .. code-block:: console pvpython.exe C:/Users/myUserName/Desktop/trainingExampleScriptA.py - Open the Screenshot and Animation that you just made. Let's edit the trace to accept arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Edit the python trace. - Right above the ExodusIIReader, enter the following code: .. code-block:: python datasetIn = sys.argv[1] directoryOut = sys.argv[2] imageFilesOut = sys.argv[3] print("datasetIn = " + datasetIn) print("directoryOut = " + directoryOut) print("imageFilesOut = " + imageFilesOut) - Edit the **canex2 = ExodusIIReader** line as follows: .. code-block:: python canex2 = ExodusIIReader(FileName=[datasetIn]) - Edit the **SaveScreenshot(...)** line as follows: .. code-block:: python SaveScreenshot(directoryOut+imageFilesOut+'.png', renderView1, ImageResolution=[1425, 1324]) - Edit the **SaveAnimation(...)** line as follows: .. code-block:: python SaveAnimation(directoryOut+imageFilesOut+'.avi', renderView1, ImageResolution=[1424, 1324], FrameWindow=[0, 43]) - Now, run in a command window as follows: .. code-block:: console pvpython.exe "c:/Users/myUserName/Desktop/trainingExampleScriptA.py" "C:/Users/myUsername/Desktop" "coolVizA" Generic Python Script for pvbatch on Linux ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is an example running |pvbatch|, without having to make a trace. - Make a file greenSphere.py, as described in the |pvpython| section. - Copy greenSphere.py to be redSphere.py. - Edit redSphere.py - Change **AmbientColor** and DiffuseColor to be [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] - Change the output file from greenSphereScreenshot.png to redShpereScreenshotScreenshot.png - Make a file runner.sh - Edit as follows: .. code-block:: console #!/usr/bin/bash /pathTopvbatch/pvbatch greenSphere.py /pathTopvbatch/pvbatch redSphere.py - Run as follows: .. code-block:: console source runner.sh Sandia National Labs specific section ------------------------------------- This section is specific to the clusters and environment at Sandia National Laboratories. pvbatch on the clusters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ssh into one of the clusters. |pvbatch| can be run on the login nodes, and magically will acquire compute nodes and run your batch visualization in parallel. You will find test scripts at /projects/viz/training/paraview. These scripts are run as follows: .. code-block:: console /projects/viz/paraview/bin/pvbatch_chama_mesa .. code-block:: console This is version x.x.x of |pvbatch|. Incorrect number of argument supplied. Expecting 4 but have 0 Usage: /projects/viz/paraview/bin/pvbatch_chama_mesa batchFileFullPath An example is: .. code-block:: console /projects/viz/paraview/bin/pvbatch_chama_mesa 1 10 FY123456 /projects/viz/training/paraview/whipple-A.py pvbatchOnNode on the clusters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |pvbatch| can be run on the same nodes as your simulation. Ask ParaView help for more information on how to use this feature. Example scripts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are four examples. We are going to create scripts using the trace recorder, then run these scripts using |pvbatch|. - Read exodus data, screenshot, movie. - Run |paraview|. - **Tools → Start Trace**. - Read g1s1.e.16.[0-15]. - Go to last timestep. - Go back one timestep. - Set **Coloring** to **EQPS**. - **File → Save Screenshot**. - **File → Save Animation**. - **Tools → Stop trace**. - Save this script on your cluster. - Edit the file, change the following: - Correct the path to the input data and output screenshots or animations. - Uncomment the line that says **renderView*.ViewSize**. Change this to something reasonable (maybe 1920x1080). - Read exodus data, Clip, Slice, screenshot, movie. - Run |paraview|. - **Tools → Start Trace**. - Read g1s1.e.16.[0-15]. - Go to last timestep. - Go back one timestep. - Set **Coloring** to **EQPS**. - Select **Filters → Common → Clip**. - Slice using **Y Normal**. - **File → Save Screenshot**. - **File → Save Animation**. - **Tools → Stop trace**. - Save this script on your cluster. - Edit the file, change the following: - Correct the path to the input data and output screenshots or animations - Uncomment the line that says **renderView*.ViewSize**. Change this to something reasonable (maybe 1920x1080). - Add the following line above **ColorBy(....,('EQPS'))**. .. code-block:: python g1s110fpse16Display.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, False) - Read exodus data, 2d plots, screenshot, movie - Run |paraview|. - **Tools → Start Trace**. - Read g1s1.e.16.[0-15]. - Select point if possible. - Plot selection (or plot over line, if necessary). - Plot EQPS. - **File → Save Screenshot**. - **File → Save Animation**. - **Tools → Stop trace**. - Edit the file, change the following: - Correct the path to the input data and output screenshots or animations. - Uncomment the line that says **renderView*.ViewSize**. Change this to something reasonable (maybe 1920x1080). - Read cth data, extractCTHPart, screenshot, movie. - Run |paraview|. - **Tools → Start Trace**. - Read cth-med/spcth.[0-3]. - ExtractCTHParts - 1. - ExtractCTHParts - 2. - **Tools → Stop trace**.