.. include:: ../../macros.hrst .. include:: ../../abbreviations.hrst .. _chapter:AdvancedTipsAndTricks: Advanced: Tips & Tricks ######################### Introduction ============ This section holds tips and tricks that don't fit anywhere else, or are small enough that they don't deserve their own tutorial. Creating a Custom Filter ======================== - Open disk_out_ref.ex2. - **Apply**. - In the **Properties** tab, Set **Coloring** to **Temp**. - Select **Clip** filter. - Set **Clip type** to **Scalar**. (The Scalars and Values don’t matter right now) - **Apply**. - Select **Tools → Create Custom Filter**. - Name this filter ClipByScalar (IsoVolume). - Take the default inputs. - Take the default outputs. - Select the clip (in the left window), and pull down the pull down menu for Property. - Select Scalars. - Hit the blue **+** sign. - Do the same for **Value** and **Inside Out**. - Finish. - Now, delete the **Clip** filter in the pipeline browser. - Select **Filters → Alphabetical → ClipByScalar** (sometimes incorrectly know as an IsoVolume filter). - Turn Scalars to Temp - Enter a Value of 400. - **Apply**. Temporal Statistics Filter ========================== - Open can.ex2. - **Apply**. - **Filters → Temporal → Temporal Statistics**. - **Apply**. - Set **Coloring** to **ACCL_average**. - Set **Coloring** to **ACCL_maximum**. - Set **Coloring** to **DISPL_average**. - You can now visually see average acceleration, maximum acceleration and average displacement of each cell. - To see the ranges of these variables over the whole mesh, look in the Information tab. .. figure:: ../../images/Advanced_tips_and_tricks_2.png :width: 800px Creating vectors from 2 or 3 scalars ==================================== - Open can.ex2. - **Apply**. - Select **Filters → Common → Calculator**. - Build the vector equation using the iHat, jHat and kHat buttons on the calculator. For instance, this example will create a vector representing the acceleration in the X and Y plane. - Set **Result Array** Name to **ACCL-XY**. - Set **Expression** to **ACCL_X*iHat+ACCL_Y*jHat**. - Set **Coloring** to **ACCL-XY**. Mesh quality ============ - Select **Sources → Alphabetical → Sphere**. - In the **Properties** tab, set **Theta Resolution** and **Phi Resolution** to 50. - **Apply**. - Select **Filters → Alphabetical → Mesh Quality**. and use defaults. - **Apply**. - Next, we want to only look at those cells that are below some threshold of quality. - **Filters → Common → Threshold**. - Choose Scalars of “Quality”, and **Lower Threshold** of 2.3 and **Upper Threshold** of 10. - Turn visibility of **Sphere1** on. - Set **Representation → Wireframe**. - Set **Opacity** to 0.5. .. figure:: ../../images/Advanced_tips_and_tricks_3.png :width: 800px Backface styling ================ It is possible to change the backface style of a wire frame object. - Open can.ex2. - **Apply**. - Set **Coloring** to **ids**. - Set **Representation → Wireframe**. - In the Properties tab, Click Advanced. - Slide down a few pages until you find **Backface Styling**. - Set **Backface Representation → Cull Backface**. .. figure:: ../../images/Advanced_tips_and_tricks_5.png :width: 800px Animating a static vector field =============================== - If you have a vector field in your data, you can animate a static dataset. - Our goal is to create a set of streamlines from a vector field, place points on this set of streamlines, and animate the point down the streamlines. We will also add glyphs to the streamline points. - Open disk_out_ref.ex2. - **Apply**. - Click **-X**. - Select **Filters → Common → Stream tracer**. (We are already streamtracing on V). - Set **Seed Type** to Point Cloud. - Unckeck **Show sphere**. - Set **Opacity** to 0.3. - **Apply**. - Open **View → Color Map Editor**. - Click **Invert the transfer functions**. - Select **Filters → Common → Contour**. - Contour on **IntegrationTime**. - **Apply**. - Select **Filters → Common → Glyph**. - Set **Orientation Array** to **v**. - Set **Glyph Mode** to **All Points**. - Set **Scale factor** to 0.5. - Set **Coloring** to **v**. - **Apply**. - In the Pipeline browser, hide **Contour1**, and show **SteamTracer1** and **Contour1**. - **View → Animation View**. - Set **Mode** to **Sequence**. - Set **No. Frames** to **100**. - Change the pulldown box next to the blue **+** to be **Contour1**. - Click the blue **+**. - **Play**. .. figure:: ../../images/Advanced_tips_and_tricks_7.png :width: 800px